About Northern Golf

Northern Golf Committee – 2023/2024


PRESIDENT Mr Gavan Griffin 0418 137 333 Deloraine
VICE PRESIDENT Ms Jennifer Hubbard Launceston
Executive Committee Mr Peter Ashdown Riverside
Ms Sally Stancombe Mowbray
Mrs Mary Faulkner Prospect Vale
Mr Brian Whelan Poatina
Mrs Alison Henty Riverside
Mr Tim Piper Launceston
Secretary/Treasurer Ms Jo Murray Riverside

Our First Meeting


A meeting of delegates from various golf clubs in Northern Tasmanian was held at the Office of Phoenix Fire Insurance Company for the purpose to form an Association on 21st June 1900. Present were:

  • L.A. Cuff and N.G Baird, Mowbray Golf Club
  • J.S. Clemons St Leonards Golf Club
  • T.C. Archer Longford Golf Club
  • N.J. Hope Sheffield Golf Club
  • D. Black as Secretary
  • L.A Cuff was also representing Devonport Golf Club

The first official meeting of the Northern Tasmanian Golf Association was held on the 19th of July 1900. It was recommended that the Association be called the Northern Tasmanian Golf Association.

23rd of April 1901

The Committee of the Northern Tasmanian Golf Association recommended to the incoming Committee that: Regular institution of Interclub matches be started under the Auspices of the Association, Institution of regular matches of North V South and arrange a date and place for the Annual Championship.

8th of May 1901

Mr Cuff was authorized to have an interview with Clubs in Hobart about arranging a regular North V South matches also to consider a Tasmanian Amateur Championship. It was resolved to arrange a Town V Country match at the Longford Golf Club on Sat 1st June and to conduct the Northern Championship on Monday 3rd of June.A delegation was to be arranged to meet with Member Golf Clubs in Hobart to form an Association in Hobart this was duly done and the Hobart Association to be called the Southern Tasmanian Golf Union, the first North V South and Tasmanian Amateur was to be started in July, August 1901. The first interclub matches was arranged to start on 18th of May, 15th of June, 20th of July, 10th- 17th of August and 21st of September 1901.

On the 19th of June it was reported that Dr. Haines of the Longford Golf Club won the first Northern Championship with 207 for 36 holes followed by D. Archer 209 and T.C Archer 2011 this was held at the Longford Golf Club.

13th of December 1901

It was reported that the 1st Interclub matches (pennant) resulted in Division 1. Longford Golf Club 1st. Tasmanian Golf Club 2nd Division 2. Tasmanian Golf Club 1st St. Leonards 2nd.The first Town and Country match resulted in Country winning 18 points to 3 points

Further research to continue.

NTGA Rules 1900





1. This Association to be called “The Northern Tasmanian Golf Association”


2. (a) The general advancement of the game of Golf in Northern Tasmania.

(b) The institution of an annual Golf Championship, either a Northern or a Tasmanian Championship, the latter in conjunction with the governing body for Golf in Southern Tasmanian.

(c) The arranging of an annual North V South match.

(d) The making of arrangements incident to the visit of Teams from other Colonies.

(e) The institution, control, and management of regular inter-club Golf matches between affiliated Clubs.

(f) The settlement (when desired) of all disputes between affiliated Clubs.


3. The Association shall consists of the following Golf Clubs. Devonport G.C., Tasmanian G.C., Longford G.C., St Leonards G.C. Sheffield G.C. and all other Clubs subsequently admitted to the privileges of membership under Rules 11 and 12.

4. There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Association held in the last week of March In each year, or at the time of the Annual Championship meeting: To receive the accounts of the previous year; to elect Officers; toalter the Rules and By-laws, if necessary, and to transact general business. A Special meeting of the Association may be demanded by a written requisition stating the purpose of such meeting, and signed on behalf of at least half the affiliated clubs, being handed to the Secretary, who shall thereupon call a meeting within 21 days ofreceipt of such requisition. Clubs must receive at least 14 days notice of such meeting.

5. Head-quarters of the Association shall be in Launceston.

6. There shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting the following Officers: A President; one Vice President from each of the affiliated clubs and an Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, all whom shall be eligible for re-election when their time of office expires.

7. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Committee, which shall consists of of the delegates andthe Honorary Secretary. three to form a quorum.

8. Each Club shall be entitled to appoint, for not exceeding 49 members, one delegate, two delegates. which shall be the maximum. Delegates need not be a member of the club they represent, but must be members of an affiliated club.

9. At general Meetings five shall form a quorum, and at least one-half of the affiliated clubs shall be represented.The Chairman shall have a deliberative as well as a casting vote at all general and Committee meetings. The officers and delegates shall hold office until after the next Annual General meeting, and their successors areappointed.

10. The Committee shall have power to delegate to Sub-committees. (a) To admit clubs for membership, (b) tocontrol expenditure, (c) To receive the reports from the sub-committees, (d) To consider the infringement of the Rules and By-laws of the Association, (e) To frame by-laws as may from time to time be found necessary for theconduct of its business, and such by-laws shall remain in force unless rescinded by the Committee, or at a general meeting. (f) Generally to carry out the aims and objects and Rules of the Association.

11 Application from clubs desirous of joining the Association must be made to the Secretary in writing, and shall be considered at the first Committee meeting, Each club so applying must furnish its full name and particulars of its membership, and colors. Each club registering its colors shall be entitled to the exclusive use of same in clubmatches.

12. No club shall be admitted to the membership unless it has suitable golf links.

13. The colors of the Association shall be Dark Green and Red (dark green coat with red collor) and shall only be worn by members representing the Association in Association matches, and by the Champion or Ex-champion.

14. The Annual Championships shall be played on such links as may be selected from time to time by the Association, and shall be a Stroke competition over 36 holes.

15. The Championship to be open to members of the associated clubs who have been resident in the colony for aperiod of 3 months prior to the date of the meeting.

16. The prize for the Annual Championship shall be a cap, badge, and coat of the colors of the Association, or a trophy.

17. The annual subscriptions of the Association shall be one guinea for such delegate appointed, and no club shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Association or Committee unless its subscription has been paid.

18. The rules of golf recognised by the Association shall be those of the St. Andrew’s Royal and Ancient Golf Club, and each club shall be permitted to make its own local rules.

19. No alteration shall be made in the foregoing rules, except at the Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose ; notice of such alteration to be given in writing to the Secretary of each affiliated club at least 14 days before the date of the meeting.